

Fine Artist Blog

A Pallid Ember – Abstract Sumi e

The moon like a pallid ember – my abstract sumi e here today, I see as Hope.

The Moon A Pallid Ember abstract sumi e

“A Pallid Ember Like Hope” 14″ x 18″ sumi e” by Marilyn Wells $385

“The moon like a pallid ember began to go out in the banks of fog…”
– Antoine de Saint Exupéry “ Wind, Sand & Stars” 1855S

I see the moon as hope. It’s for us to not let hope go out of our hearts. Each time you believe that, and if you act on that, and if you share that, it helps to reinforce all things bright and beautiful against the threatening darkness of the times we are living in. There is unspeakable suffering in America, the land of the free. Find out how to free yourself and then you will be the moon, like Tara, the Bodhisattva of Buddha, who can light up not only your own heart but the hearts of others. We can overcome all that threatens our freedom.

expression of energy or Chi in a painting of “A Pallid Ember Like Hope”

The work I do is meditative. First I study something, often a poem or a few lines like from the book by Antoine de Saint Exupéry, “Wind, Sand & Stars“. I feel something in my body that moves me to paint the energy of the feeling. Then I sit with it quietly for awhile. After absorbing this expression, I like to think or bring into our everyday world a meaning I have drawn from the work. Even so, the work isn’t ever fully exhausted in one meaning.

Others of my paintings are found in previous blog posts, like on “Between Us”. There I talk about this Invisible world I have invited my heart to explore.

workshop coming June 19

Stay tuned for a small, intimate group workshop in sumi e work at Foothills Art Center in Golden on June 19, 2021. Info available soon.

  1. Elaine Judkins says:

    I like this painting and your thoughts about it. We must live in hope.

    • marilyn wells says:

      Thank you for thinking about that, Elaine! We all need hope and reinforcement in our choices too! Your words are very helpful.

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Fine art
by Marilyn wells

Denver COlorado

Marilyn Wells - Fine Artist