

Fine Artist Blog

“Between Us” Abstract Sumi e

“Between Us”, my abstract sumi e, holds expressive elements of the beauty of the invisible world.

"Between Us" Abstract Sumi e by Marilyn Wells

“Between Us” 14″ x 18″ on Mulberry Paper – $385 Original, Prints Available by Marilyn Wells

“The space between us
pregnant with unknown possibility…”
-Unknown 1861S

This painting is, of course, about love, but It is also about the space between any of us, or between us and the Invisible, at any given time that always has the quality of Love. Our heart is the mirror of what is coming from the Infinite to the material, if we allow it to be, to see with the eyes of Love and if that is our intention. First we have to sort out the demands of the ego and physical emotions, but if we are open to the Love of the Infinite, beyond us, more real than our physical plane, we may create something of beauty in each encounter here on Earth. The quote sure sounds like Rumi.

But the quote could also be from John O’Donohue. The Space Between Us holds the qualitative world of the Invisible. My abstract sumi e  paintings hold the Embrace of the Invisible. They are not illustrations of that which is known so much as illumination of our kinship with the Invisible. John O-Donohue – modern mystic – writes of the “miracle of the unknown” –  spaaks of wonder as a subtle, lovely presence always at the threshold of our hearts- transfiguring the anonymous into the intimate. When our heart is alive with wonder, we are ready to receive the hidden affinity and kinship that awaits us and welcomes us at the heart of that which is unknown within us and around us.

The space Between Us – pregnant with unknown possibility,

is held in my abstract sumi e painting above. You can read more in my earlier blog posts.

The image is available as original and as prints in, my online store.


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Fine art
by Marilyn wells

Denver COlorado

Marilyn Wells - Fine Artist