

Fine Artist Blog

Dive Deeper – Abstract Sumi e – Plus

“Dive deeper” exploration in abstract Sumi e – and diving deeper into the Light…

Abstract Sumi e - Dive Deeper

“Dive a Thousand Times Deeper” by Marilyn Wells 14″ x 18″ on mulberry paper – $385

You have been walking on the
ocean’s edge,
holding up your robes to keep
them dry.
You must dive deeper under,
a thousand times deeper.
-Rumi “Beyond Love Stories” 1851S

This painting is available as the Original and as Prints in my Online Art Store,

Dive a Thousand Times Deeper Thoughts

I’ve painted several abstract sumi e  versions of  “Diving Deeper”. I must go deeper, become more single-minded rather than fractured into multiplicity. It is a blessing of maturity and knowing who I am. You are becoming that too. We are all walking together, not far apart. I find as I mature in my search for a deeper spirituality, I understand old readings with new eyes. I’m beginning to feel, sense and see the light within myself and within all of creation. What I believe we must bring to the table of our search is both our consciousness and our imagination along with a wager that faith will bring us home to the light we never left. See also an earlier blog post on “Letting Go The Life You Planned”.

I am influenced by studies in the Imaginal I’m exploring in many places, in the Sufi tradition, in Cynthia Bourgeault’s Imaginal via Spirituality and Practice available on her website, and Beatrice Bruteau’s little book Radical Optimism. It’s a life long search.

A suggestion from Bourgeault for this Lenten time is to . “Imagine your life as a Host — a sacred, holy, and energy-charged “prolongation of the Body of Christ.” As you move through your daily round of activities, try to move in alignment with that possibility (wild though it may be), and let it shape the choices you make and the way you go about activities and encounters. Let it play in the background as much as you can, and several times a day bring it directly into the foreground and refocus yourself in its light.”

A bit of color for your reflection on the light

Diving Deeper again – I want to hear your response to the first of a series called “Mercy” I began a year ago today with the Covid shut down. This is “Compassion”. If you follow my blog, you will see a progression into exploration of Eve Leaving Eden. Stay tuned.

Mercy 1 - Compassion - oil painting by Marilyn Wells

Mercy 1 – “Compassion” by Marilyn Wells 20″ x 24″ oil on canvas


Love is the way messengers

from the mystery tell us things,

Love is the Mother.

We are her chlldren.

She shines inside us,

visible – invisible, as we trust,

or lose trust, or feel it start

to grow again.

  -Rumi – “Messengers from the Mystery, The Pattern” 2001O  – Also available as a print in my Art Store,

Thanks for Diving Deeper with me. I will await your response before I tuck in more of the oil color series. 🙂


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Fine art
by Marilyn wells

Denver COlorado

Marilyn Wells - Fine Artist