

Fine Artist Blog

Expression of the Chi Energy in Sumi e

The experession of chi, or life energy, in abstract sumi e painting, based on a poem by Rumi, is my intention here. This is one of my recent favorites, mounted by Brian at Metropolitan Frame Company with Andy where I had my last January solo art show!

an abstract sumi e expression of chi in a poem by Rumi

“The Lover Wakes” abstract sumi e by Marilyn Wells, 14″ x 18″ , on watercolor paper

1912S -1 

The Lover Wakes

“Like this universe coming into existence,

the lover wakes, and whirls in a dancing joy,

then kneels down

     in praise.”

Rumi – tr -CB “Birdsong from Inside the Egg”

first upcoming event

Beholding, being held, chi energy expression for finding your heart and soul – is what your experience will be in each of these:


January 12, 2020, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Free Event and Lunch – phone (303) 794-6379 to register

Circle of Caring Cancer Support Group at Littleton United Methodist Church

KNOW YOU ARE LOVED – Find Your Heart and Soul in Beholding

Peace. Hope. Calm. Connection. In Beholding, you find these. by opening your heart to truly seeing all that is before you, right here and now. Deepen your ability to Find Your Heart and Soul by exploring how every moment, from the mundane to the profound, is special when you bring intention and attention.

You find you are not so much “holding” an object, but being “held” by another.

Examples of my sumi e abstract work along with brushes and ink so you actually feel that flow, will then lead you to “beholding” in the ordinary and in art works within the church with your journal and pen.

second, a workshop

January 25, 2020, 10:00 – 4:00 –  $110 non member/$80 member

Foothills Art Center

Workshop: “Cups & Saucers – Ink and Joy” – New Year – Fresh Start

@foothillsartcenter – 809 Fifteenth Street, Golden CO 80401

Foothills Art

You are loved. You are held. Your New Beginnings, Fresh Start will be celebrated with sumi e abstract painting.

Drawing a line in the sand with brush, our intention going forwards is to see things from a new perspective. As we review and learn sumi e brushwork, we will speak of beholding and being held, knowing you are loved, from a Zen point of view. Then, using brush, ink, poetry & writing to express the chi energy of our lives, we will explore the ancient form of heart and soul expression through brush and ink to create many personal paintings under the direction of long time artist and meditator Marilyn Wells.

Bring a sack lunch. Finally, tea break is part of the ceremony of the day! All materials are provided. Bring your own kits if previously purchased. Kits are also available for purchase after class…

hope to see you one or both places!

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Fine art
by Marilyn wells

Denver COlorado

Marilyn Wells - Fine Artist