

Fine Artist Blog

Abstract Sumi e 5280 Article is Out

Abstract sumi e by Marilyn Wells in the 5280 magazine, current issue, is now on the newstands, though I have only seen the online articles and the article itself. I’m told it’s a full end page, which makes my heart beat even faster! Thank you, 5280 and the artistic women who put this and all the magazine together regularly! It’s wonderful exposure; what dreams may come. 🙂

abstract sumi e painting inspired by music

“Play Delicate, Desire Quiet” by Marilyn Wells, 14″ x 18″ on mulberry paper, SOLD


Today I’m flying low and I’m

not saying a word.

I’m letting all the voodoos of ambition sleep.


The world goes on as it must,

the bees in the garden rumbling a little,

the fish leaping, the gnats getting eaten.

And so forth.


But I’m taking the day off.

Quiet as a feather.

I hardly move though really I’m traveling

a terrific distance.

Stillness. One of the doors

into the temple.

  -Oliver, Mary. “Today.” A Thousand Mornings. 1853S

This poem was first inspired by music of the same name by Grace Cathedral Park. Such a beautiful piece. Then I found the poem by Mary Oliver to be so very appropriate as well.

I’m happy to say the painting has a new home with a new friend in Texas. Shipped it last week. Let me know if you want to purchase prints or originals. My online store coming soon for Real now., but not quite ready to officially open yet. Lots of work, but soon!

Abstract Sumi E by Marilyn Wells you may not have seen… 

Besides astract sumi e by Marilyn Wells in the 5280 magazine, current issue, check out my other recent blog post for Egrets in the abstract sumi e painting called “By the Laws of Their Faith”, based on another poem by Mary Oliver.

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Fine art
by Marilyn wells

Denver COlorado

Marilyn Wells - Fine Artist