

Fine Artist Blog

Sumi Painting – Blossoming Heart

My latest Sumi e Painting, “My Blossoming Heart”, is a favorite because I feel it in my heart and soul.

Abstract sumi e painting Marilyn Wells

“My Blossoming Heart” by Marilyn Wells, 14″ x 18″ on mulberry paper, $385.00 – Prints available

“True, I may appear
unkempt like a rotting tree,
jetsam and flotsam,
but on the right occasion
this old heart
can still blossom.”
The Monk Kengú 1874S

Sumi e – “The Space Between Us”

The abstract sumi e, “My Blossoming Heart,  from the poem by the Monk Kengú tells us of the spirit that is within. There are times we even recognize one another through spirit, heart to heart, and the physical appearance is secondary to this recognition of souls. I feel this way lots, and sometimes my heart feels very young and prone to being in love. May yours be so as well.

This may relate to one of my recent blog posts, or all my sumi e paintings may just relate together because they do come from heart and soul, not the head and intellect.

Free shipping now on Prints totaling $200 or more. See my Store,, which I will be adding to soon with my Sumi Sculptures, my Services like private art lessons and sumi painting materials. Stay tuned.

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Fine art
by Marilyn wells

Denver COlorado

Marilyn Wells - Fine Artist