“I don’t know when I’ve had so much fun!”
I’m thinking about all my followers, like you, and have been missing writing for awhile, but not for lack of work being accomplished! The show “Imagery of Healing in Art” was so amazing and wonderful in every way imaginable. We gave 3 performances, myself with Wayne Gilbert and Stacey Fahrion, over the opening weekend of the week long show.
I’m especially thinking, with gratitude, about Art Collectors, who are a very special person of artistry and longing of their own. I started talking to people at the show about us “Artists are All About Layaway” plans!
Not everyone is an artist; more people love art, love to discover art, love to discover how art opens them up and gives them new insights and self awareness they hadn’t known was within themselves. Art Collectors love to buy the precious art pieces that speak to them in their heart and being, to take them home, to “curate”, to arrange, to show and share and live with original works of art. It’s a theme I want to explore more in my next blog entry, as I only became cognizant myself of how deep their own artistry lies, waiting for expression.

ACAD Gallery before My “Imagery of Healing” Show went up
To give you some idea what we see before and after:

Front Wall of My Show “Imagery of Healing”, a few of the oils…
I’ve posted videos of this show on my Instagram, and on my Facebook business page, so do take a look as words don’t convey adequately.
I been able to narrow my focus to three central themes. Each theme was represented amongst those that went home with happy Art Collectors at the show. These will be the limited edition, original ink line drawings, the sumi e or ink works, and of course new oil paintings already in mind.
Here is one of the drawings of a series that went to a Collector’s home from the show:

“Nude in Profile”, by Marilyn, original ink ltd edition, on Awagami fine paper 12″ x 18″, Sold.
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