

Fine Artist Blog

Ikebana in My World

I’m taking a relaxing break from painting by enjoying some basic ikebana, The Way of Kado, in my Sogetsu class.

Tulip in Ikebana 2019 by Marilyn

Tulip in Ikebana 2019 by Marilyn

This is so very simple and lovely. Basic upright  nagiere style. “The ultimate purpose in Kado is not to make pleasant flower arrangements, but cultivate appreciation for each moment, to work with obstacles, and to develop respect for ourselves, others and all forms of life.”

Tulip Ikebana 2018 by Marilyn

Tulip Ikebana 2018 by Marilyn

No, I have not made much progress, but I’m not even sure I need to! Each step is so new again. “Being able to honor and respect nature and understanding the heart of the artist will allow you to enjoy the works of art even more.” Both parts are traditional and inherent in this ancient tradition. These are reasons I have always been drawn to the Way of Kado.

Tulip & Lilies 2018 by Marilyn

Tulip & Lilies 2018 by Marilyn

This is one I did last year also, with leftover materials from my class. Kado is the Way of Flower arranging. Everything is the Way. The Way of the Tao. “We speak of the Way of but never the Way to…” as Thomas Hando points out in his book  ‘A Taste of Water’ , a book I’m enjoying at the moment.

More in an earlier post on Thanks for reading and sharing My World awhile!




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Fine art
by Marilyn wells

Denver COlorado

Marilyn Wells - Fine Artist