Sumi e abstract painting “Sound of Breezes”. And what is mind and how is it recognized? What is Mind? “And what is mind And how is it recognized? It is clearly drawn in sumi ink, the sound of breezes drifting through pine.” -Ikkyū Sōjun 1875S This Sumi e abstract painting “Sound of Breezes” and the […]

My latest Sumi e Painting, “My Blossoming Heart”, is a favorite because I feel it in my heart and soul. “True, I may appear unkempt like a rotting tree, jetsam and flotsam, but on the right occasion this old heart can still blossom.” The Monk Kengú 1874S Sumi e – “The Space Between Us” The […]

“Pure Contradiction” – Rilke and Sumi e. This poem mystified me a long time. It is a 2nd version of my last IG post. I searched for uncovered meanings of this poem. “Rose – oh pure contradiction, joy Of being No-one’s sleep under so many lids.” -Rilke 1871S – 2 UPCOMING SUMI E WORKSHOP –  […]

Sumi e “Suddenly” and an upcoming workshop. This painting is a mystery – maybe all my abstract sumi e are. Everyone will see something different and every different view is equally valid. “You Are the stillness of snow I enter suddenly…” -Unknown 1870S I have always been mystified by this painting, and I love it. […]

The moon like a pallid ember – my abstract sumi e here today, I see as Hope. “The moon like a pallid ember began to go out in the banks of fog…” – Antoine de Saint Exupéry “ Wind, Sand & Stars” 1855S I see the moon as hope. It’s for us to not let […]

“Between Us”, my abstract sumi e, holds expressive elements of the beauty of the invisible world. “The space between us pregnant with unknown possibility…” -Unknown 1861S This painting is, of course, about love, but It is also about the space between any of us, or between us and the Invisible, at any given time that […]

Abstract sumi e, “Wild Flowers May Grow” from a poem by Rumi. Very little grows on jagged rock. Be ground. Be crumpled so wild flowers will come up where you are. – “Surrender” Rumi 1903S We want to learn how to leave off being so rigid, so sure of our opinions. Humility and an open […]

My abstract sumi e “Ruby Mine Inside” is inspired by the Persian poet Hafiz.   Don’t die again with that holy ruby mine inside still unclaimed when you could be swinging a golden pick with every step. – Hafiz 1859S-2 You can claim that ruby mind inside yourself if you have the will and yearning, […]

Abstract Sumi e – What To Give Up, expressions of the Ch’i in paintings by Marilyn Wells from poetry and Wisdom School teachings. Give up your proud aims, your wishes, mannerisms and extravagant claims! -Unknown 1858S What is it we have to give up? All our precious identity we spend so much time crafting. It […]

Abstract sumi e, 5280 and Marilyn Wells. Denver’s top City magazine, 5280, featured Marilyn in this Holiday Dec/Jan 2020/2021 issue – end piece called “Lights Out”. See article, Bold Strokes. See @ChristineDeOrio, Associate Editor, @danapsmith, Art Director, and Editor Michelle Johnson. Michelle @  Dana found and selected the image from my blog,  Thank you all! […]

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Fine art
by Marilyn wells

Denver COlorado

Marilyn Wells - Fine Artist