New – Sumi Watercolor Painting and Workshop – “No Fear Watercolor 1” – May 7, 2022, Foothills Art Center, Golden CO “A Morning Glory’s Hour” My span of years today appears a morning glory’s hour. – Arakida Moritake 1472-1549 1909W written on his deathbed at age 75. It was also his birthday. upcoming workshop – […]

My abstract sumi e “Ruby Mine Inside” is inspired by the Persian poet Hafiz.   Don’t die again with that holy ruby mine inside still unclaimed when you could be swinging a golden pick with every step. – Hafiz 1859S-2 You can claim that ruby mind inside yourself if you have the will and yearning, […]

Abstract sumi e prints, soon available at Marilyn Wells Art Studio online store. My opening, a long anticipated event, slowly coming together. Feels like just in time for the holidays, or so I hope… “…a premonition of an incursion into a forbidden world whence it was going to be infinitely difficult to return…”   – […]

Abstract sumi e – The Grand Immensity of Life. I painted the ch’i of a poem by Rumi in abstract sumi-e. We experience the grand immensity of life fully when we face death and total annihilation. “Some Grand Immensity” I placed one foot on the wide plain of death, and some grand immensity Sounded on […]

A sumi e abstract painting of the poem by Hafiz that Life is Far Too Precious, too Sacred to ever end… “Indeed God has written a thousand promises All over your heart that say, ‘Life Life Life Is far too precious to ever end.’” -Hafiz 1845S Life Is, Is, Is that precious! Silence helps us […]

Let go the life you planned – Have the life that is waiting for you – illustrated in abstract sumi e. “Think that you’re gliding out From the face of a cliff like an eagle. Think that you’re walking like a tiger walks By himself in the forest. You are most handsome when you are […]

The Guide from Beyond – abstract sumi e. Your guide may not be telling you what you want to hear. But it might be what helps your soul to grow the most. “Be Grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. * Rumi (CB) “The Guest House” 1839S Imagine […]

How can you find hope through art and inner work in these troubled  times? Below and in future blogs, I share a path. This is how you too can do this. writing my own haiku and painting it me and the sleek geese make tracks through the slushy sleet on a cold March day   […]

The experession of chi, or life energy, in abstract sumi e painting, based on a poem by Rumi, is my intention here. This is one of my recent favorites, mounted by Brian at Metropolitan Frame Company with Andy where I had my last January solo art show! 1912S -1  The Lover Wakes “Like this universe […]

Reflecting on a painting. For our Workshop at Foothills Art Center, Golden, CO, on Saturday, I did my usual warm-up exercises, and was very happy with this abstract sumi e painting… “Our Love” 1919S I think, what love does to us is a Gordian knot, it’s that complicated. M. Oliver -‘Porcupine’   At first I […]

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Fine art
by Marilyn wells

Denver COlorado

Marilyn Wells - Fine Artist